MY MAIN CAMERA BROKE. I believe it was May of 2023, I took my camera on a road trip which ended in a disaster, my camera body's motherboard was shaken too hard while driving. While I was having the camera fixed over the course of 4 months (I forgot to give the camera fixing company my contact and it was just messy) I bought a little digital point and shoot camera! The least I can say is that I was not impressed by the camera, I won't say what model it was since I don't want whoever reads this and is interested in any Canon cameras to be disinterested (It was a Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark III, DO NOT buy this thing unless you want a small camera to start vlogging your life or whatsoever). Overall, this camera was very challenging to operate as the manual functions I liked operating on a non-point&shoot camera were very restricting and the camera essentially had a built in driving instructor that was basically driving the car for you. However, I was able to get some nice pictures and videos with this camera, though most of them are still in camera jail (I haven't exported them out of the camera yet...). Sorry for the long paragraph, here is my collection taken on my Canon Digicam!
MY MAIN CAMERA BROKE. I believe it was May of 2023, I took my camera on a road trip which ended in a disaster, my camera body's motherboard was shaken too hard while driving. While I was having the camera fixed over the course of 4 months (I forgot to give the camera fixing company my contact and it was just messy) I bought a little digital point and shoot camera! The least I can say is that I was not impressed by the camera, I won't say what model it was since I don't want whoever reads this and is interested in any Canon cameras to be disinterested (It was a Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark III, DO NOT buy this thing unless you want a small camera to start vlogging your life or whatsoever). Overall, this camera was very challenging to operate as the manual functions I liked operating on a non-point&shoot camera were very restricting and the camera essentially had a built in driving instructor that was basically driving the car for you. However, I was able to get some nice pictures and videos with this camera, though most of them are still in camera jail (I haven't exported them out of the camera yet...). Sorry for the long paragraph, here is my collection taken on my Canon Digicam!